Simcenter Amesim 2304
: Platform
Platform facilities
● Data Import : Executing template on multiple files
▶ Data Import - Executing template on multiple files at once
Platform facilities
Execute a Data Import template on multiple files to create the corresponding table files at once.
From main toolbar of Data Import
Files multi-selection
Template execution
Automatic creation of table files based on source file names
List view of the files on which the template is executed with status indicators
Ability to sort the list by execution status
Execute the capabilities of the Data Import on multiple files without coding scripts
Identify error occurrences when table files are created
Pending/Success/Failure status
Sorting list on status
Abort execution
● Graph Digitizer
▶ Graph digitizer
Platform facilities
Curve data can be extracted from an image and saved as a Simcenter Amesim table file.
Axis settings
Curve identification
Export data as table
Mobile manipulators to define axis scales
Points creation on the curve image through polyline drawing
Switchable zoom view with reticle
Editable polyline points and segments
Table properties with bridge to the Table Editor
Access from main Tools menu or from Table Editor
Set axes’ definition in an unconstraint and smooth process
Keep adding points continuously to match the curve
Locate precisely the pixel position of the curve data points
Arrange the data points of the extracted curve
Export data points to a table file
Logarithm scale
Zoom view
Move and insert points
Table property settings
● Supercomponent creation workflow enhancement
▶ Supercomponent workflow enhancement
Platform facilities
Simplify the supercomponent creation workflow
Easily assign an image as the supercomponent icon
Show/hide ports according to needs
Keep consistency between local-global parameter and global parameter groups during
Supercomponent creation
Supercomponent disassembly
Copy-paste of a supercomponent
Appears when opening a supercomponent
Three steps: icon, parameters, and library saving
▶ Easily assign an image as the supercomponent icon
Selection of an image directly as the supercomponent icon
Choice of icon size with 2 options:
Fit icon to image size
Fit image to icon size
Support of all the popular image formats: png, svg, jpg…
Improve the efficiency of supercomponent definition by having a visual representation of the supercomponent context
Easily define the icon size along with users’ preferred workflow
Users can choose the image format that best fits their needs, allowing for greater flexibility
Assign an image to the icon
Two options to define the size
Several image formats supported
▶ Supercomponent creation workflow enhancement
Show/hide ports with submodel image
Cohesion of group definition for global parameter and local global parameter when creating, copy-pasting, and disabling a supercomponent
Handle port presentation flexibly according to users' needs
Maintain consistency between local-global parameters and global parameter groups
Show ports
Hide ports
Local global parameter groups
● Simcenter System Simulation Client for Git integration
▶ Simcenter System Simulation Client for Git integration
Platform facilities
Revert local changes
Add several user elements
Switch to any version
Version history in tree view and graphic view
Create and switch branches
Integrated Model Editor of Client for Git
Integrated Library Editor of Client for Git
▶ Collection version update and revert
Revert local changes with one click
Possibility to add several user elements
Possibility to update the local version to any historic version
Easily cancel local changes and restore the base version
Manage user files (reports, data files, attachments etc.) flexibly
Swap local content with any server version without having to explicitly download the other versions in different folders
Simply revert any local change
Add several user elements
Update a collection to another version
▶ Access to version history
Access of all the available versions on the server
Switch between tree view and graphic view
Have clear overview of the available versions
Easily manage model variation with branches
Access to server history
Tree view version history
Graphical version history
▶ Create and switch branches
New branch creation based on the current branch
Switch to any version in any branch
Easily manage model variation with branches (branch creations, switch branches)
Leverage collaboration among a group of model developers
Create branch
Switch branch in graphical view
Switch branch in tree view
● Contextual variable highlight
▶ Contextual variable highlight
Platform facilities
Contextual highlight of variables when viewed in:
Performance analyzer state contributions pane
Frequency Response Function (FRF) – Modal analysis
Gain direct access to the variables of interest upon a double-click – in all features which support it
Performance analyzer – contextual highlight of variables
Understand complex subsystems
● Early model parametrization
▶ Early model parametrization
Platform facilities
Access to submodel-setting in sketch mode
Access to parameter-setting in sketch mode
Set structural parameters in the same context as standard parameters
Sketch mode – set submodels while building your sketch
Sketch mode – set parameters while building your sketch
Set submodels directly in sketch mode
Change parameters directly in sketch mode
Set structural parameters (which change the number of ports for an icon) directly in sketch mode, as standard parameters
Easily set known parameters for components the moment they are added to the sketch
Shorten the feedback loop between building the sketch, setting submodels and assigning parameters in the same mode
Build your sketch – set your submodels
Build your sketch – set your parameters
Set dynamic component parameters in sketch
2. Analysis tools
● Plot : axis titles improvement
▶ Plot - Axis titles improvement
Analysis tools
Title can be set on the axis of any type of 3D display
Variable titles are used as graph axis titles by default
Identify quickly the variables on your plot
Provide the most complete information when analyzing and sharing results
Axis titles properties of 3D display graph
Axis titles related to variables titles
● FRF – Modal analysis: tool improvements
▶ Frequency Response Function (FRF) – Modal analysis Tool improvements
Analysis tools
Highlights on the sketch of the observer and controller variables that define the frequency response function
Export the curves data of the Bode diagram (both gain and phase) to CSV format
Identify the relevant data you want to analyze
Gather all the necessary data in one file and reuse it outside Simcenter Amesim
Open csv file correctly in Excel according to your region settings
Bode diagram
Highlight selected observers / controllers
Export data to CSV file format
● Sketch animation enhancements
▶ Sketch Animation enhancements
Analysis tools
When applicable, components now also display color animations
Component animation support for components generated by the valve builder
Simulation toolbar
Component color animation
Valve builder animations
In addition to lines, certain components support color animation as well – using the same color map
Components generated using the valve builder now support component animation
Gain clearer insights into your simulation results in the sketch
Report on your findings in a clear, consistent manner with widespread use of component color animation
Analyze and problem-solve your model live at the click of a button
Component color animation
Support for component color animation
Valve builder animations
▶ Analyzing and sharing knowledge about multi-physical systems in an intuitive,
visual manner
Analyze the actuation of the various control valves responsible for the lowering and lifting of an excavator boom
Verify the electrical actuation of the excavator’s turret as it rotates during a maneuver
3. Solvers and Numerics
● Optimized discontinuity handling for co-simulation
▶ Optimized discontinuity handling for co-simulation
Solver and numerics
An optimized discontinuity handling mechanism, equivalent to the one already available for the Simulink interface, is now applied to all co-simulation export interfaces, as soon as the exported model uses the variable-step solver
Supported co-simulation interfaces are FMI, Simulink, Simcenter 3D Motion, Automation Connect, Adams and the Generic Co-simulation
This optimized discontinuity handling is independent for the chosen master tool
Example of the clutch fading demo models exported as two FMUs
Speedup observed when co-simulating the FMUs in an external master
● Customizable number of solver restarts upon discontinuities
▶ Customizable number of solver restarts upon discontinuities
Solver and numerics
The maximum number of solver restarts upon a discontinuity can now be customized by means of the SIMP00 submodel of the Simulation Library.
This can solve convergence issues on some numerically sensitive models used with the standard (variable-step) integrator.
If the maximal number of solver restarts is reached on a given model
Place the SIMP00 submodel of the Simulation Library and tune the limit
● HPC generic job command
▶ HPC generic job command
Solver and numerics
The generic job command, called AMEHPCStudyStart, that allows to easily launch batch and design exploration studies in user-defined scripts, has been updated.
The support of Windows calculation nodes is now available via a launch mechanism based on an MPI process.
All the complexity of job configuration (e.g., multiple compute nodes) and startup is completely managed by this unique command.
Open the HPC manual in the Simcenter Amesim platform documentation
Custom job submission workflow / AMEHPCStudyStart command
4. Software interfaces
● FMI 3.0: co-simulation export
▶ FMI 3.0: co-simulation export
Software Interfaces
Export of models as Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs) for co-simulation, complying with version 3.0 of the FMI standard (via GUI or scripting).
As for FMI 2.0, before being exported as FMUs, models can be hybridized with Modelica blocks, pretrained neural networks, Statecharts or previously imported Simulink models.
Support of FMI 3.0 “terminals” for physical ports and multidimensional variables.
Support of Windows 32-/64-bit and Linux 64-bit standard platforms, as well as real time targets, with FMI 3.0 “build configuration”.
On a model in simulation mode, equipped with an FMI interface block
Select “co-simulation 3.0” in the FMU export assistant
Export of models as 3.0 FMUs for co-simulation for standard Windows and Linux platforms, and for real time targets
Support of FMI 3.0 “terminals” in exported FMUs
Support of FMI 3.0 “build configurations” for real time targets
(source code and precompiled libraries)
Leverage Simcenter Amesim technology (models and their native solvers) in FMI 3.0 compatible tools
Go beyond the FMI 1.0 or 2.0 signal-based definitions with physical ports and/or multidimensional variables
Automate the handling of source code FMUs for real time
Export of multiplatform FMU
Definition of Simcenter Amesim terminals
Build configuration for real time targets
▶ FMI 3.0 : co-simulation export – Two coupled Simcenter Amesim FMUs
co-simulated in Simulink using the FMI Kit for Simulink
A quadcopter model and its mission profile model are exported as 3.0 FMUs.
Both FMUs are imported, connected and co-simulated in Simulink, using the FMI Kit for Simulink.
A result file is created to enable live animation and dashboarding within the Simcenter Amesim GUI, while the co-simulation is synchronized with the wall clock time by the Simulink master.
5. Modelica platform
● Local help documentation for the Modelica blocs
▶ Local help documentation for the Modelica blocs
Modelica Editor
Once the Modelica bloc is generated in the Simcenter Amesim Sketch, the associated documentation is accessible without the Modelica Editor
Access to the Modelica bloc documentation from the Simcenter Amesim Sketch without Modelica Editor.
Get a complete description of the Modelica system like the dependencies, the states variables and the Modelica documentation.
AME-help for the Modelica blocs
Content of the Modelica documentation