Flomaster 2404
Pipeline 개선 사항
● Pipeline 최대 및 최소 압력
New Pipeline Operating Pressures sub form added to liquid and gas pipes
New Features for Minimum, Nominal, Working and Maximum Pressures
Pressures are validated during the simulation and reported as results
Specify the operating requirements in the system
Use standard tools such as charting, System Results Display and Validation can be used to understand results quickly
Pipeline Operating Pressures Subform
Results reporting
Visualisation showing pressure less than minimum
● Pipe 스케줄 개선 사항
Min, Max, Working and Nominal Pressures can be assigned to a pipe types within a schedule
Will be assigned to pipe components using schedule app
Schedule Import and Export enhanced to include the new fields
Schedule App enhanced to allow display, sorting and filtering of Group, Type and Title fields
Allows for automated setting of data in pipe components
If a schedule is shared allows for common data to be used across an organisation
Schedule Editing
Schedule Wizard