Flomaster : Thermal Process Simulation
Day 1
10:00 ~ 17:00
▶ Heat Transfer
▷ Introduction to Flomaster Heat Transfer
▷ Incompressible Heat Transfer Steady State Analysis
▷ Incompressible Heat Transfer Transient Analysis
▶ Compressible Flow
▷ Introduction to Flomaster Compressible Flow Analysis
▷ Compressible Steady State Analysis
Day 2
10:00 ~ 17:00
▶ Compressible Flow
▷ Compressible Transient Analysis
▶ 2Phase Flow
▷ Introduction to Flomaster Rankine Cycle Analysis
▷ Introduction to Flomaster 2Phase Flow Analysis
▶ Analysis of Steam Power Plant (Exercise)
상기 교육 내용은 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
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준비사항 : 없음
Note PC 지참 시 해당 Note PC로 실습 가능합니다.
교육 내용 관련 : / 02-2093-2684~2688
교육 준비 관련 : / 02-2093-2689