EBook “Confidence in Fluid System Design” by Don Miller
Don Miller는 Fluid Flow System Simulation의 발전에 있어 핵심 인물 가운데 한명입니다.
이 Ebook을 통해 "Internal Flow System" Data Book의 출처 및 만들어진 배경을 돌아보고, System Simulation이 효율적인 에너지등과 깊은 관련이 있음을 설명하고 있습니다.
Due Diligence
3D Loss Coefficient
Due Diligence not a Literature Review
Confidence in Internal Flow System
Origins of Internal Flow Systems
Importance of Static Pressure Measurements
Validation of BHRA Loss Coefficients
Compressible Flow
Transient Analysis and other Dynamic Events
The Origins of Flowmaster
Developments since the BHRA studies and the need for Standards
Postscript – Validation of fluid system 3D CFD studies