Model The Complexity

Drag Reducing Agent (DRA) modelling enhancements

Drag Reducing Agent (DRA) is used in pipelines to reduce flow losses and increase efficiency.  Simcenter Flomaster 2304 introduces new capabilities when modelling DRA to account for the degradation of the fluid and the effect of efficiency vs agent concentration.  


Drag Reducing Agent Fluids

Drag Reduction and Agent Effectiveness

Two-Phase Tank

A new two-phase tank model has been added, this allows tanks storing two-phase and cryogenic fluids to be modelled. Model heat transfer to the surroundings for long term thermal storage circuits to be modelled. The tanks enable two-phase materials to be stored for later use.


Vapour Cycle Systems Catalogue

Liquefaction Cycle Modelling

Liquid Gas Separators

Simcenter Flomaster 2304 includes two new Separator components to be used in two phase circuits.  

These are 


Vapour Cycle Systems Catalogue

Ideal and Demister based Separation

Multi Arm Tank (MAT) heat transfer Enhancements


Enabled on Main Data Form

Data Sub-Form View

Additional Drift Flux Models


Choice of Models

Reporting Slip Ratio, Void and Liquid Volume Fractions

Open channel flow


Component Selection

Inputs and Outputs

N-Arm Component Enhancements


Index Number with Parameters

Connecting an N-Arm

Equal Area Junctions


Junction catalogue

Curve only data form